High School Curriculum 2023-2024

This curriculum guide has been prepared for all high schools in the Charter School Associates network of schools. The intent is to assist each student in selecting the essential classes that will lead to a successful graduation and career path for their future. Although many courses have been included in this guide, some may not be offered at individual schools; additionally, courses will be added as required by student need. Please contact your school’s guidance counselor for a description of the available courses as they appear on the course selection sheet. Additional courses may be added based on student interest.

The classes being offered meet all the requirements as prescribed by the State of Florida and the County School Board. We urge every student to take the time to review this curriculum guide carefully and involve your teachers, parents, and guidance counselor in making the best possible selection of classes.

Our staff is dedicated to the success of all our students, and we are happy to welcome you to school. Best wishes for a wonderful and productive year!

Course availability is based on the number of students eligible for the course. Information included in this Course Guide may change without prior notice and is based on the most current information available at the time of publication.


The mission is to provide students with a well-rounded college preparatory and career exploration high school education, through a challenging academic program supported by technology, on-site learning experiences via local business, and the opportunity to tie classroom learning with the real world of work.


The purpose is to provide students with a well-rounded college preparatory experience and career exploration. High school is to prepare students to reach their maximum potential in all subjects with special emphasis on preparing them for college and the world of business using reform-based exemplary curricula and enhancement programs. The school will partner with leading businesses in the community to provide quality internships with a capstone project as a culmination to their high school experience. All programs, including the core subjects and electives, will follow the guidelines established in the Florida B.E.S.T. Standards and the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC). Research-based and approved Comprehensive Core Reading programs, (approved by Florida Center for Reading Research), will be used in coordination with the Comprehensive Research-based Reading Plan (CRRP). The school will prepare its students to be productive and responsible citizens through these exemplary programs.


The vision is to provide students with a well-rounded college preparatory experience and career exploration. High school is to provide students with a challenging and rigorous curriculum enabling students to be well prepared for post-secondary education and life through adherence to an unwavering mission, shared purpose, clearly articulated goals, and opportunities to participate in advanced programs.

Students will experience a cross curricula instructional approach using the Florida B.E.S.T. Standards. “Improving Student Achievement” will serve as the school’s “mantra” and improvement will be facilitated and measured through a systematic and total organizational approach to leadership and management using the Florida Continuous Improvement Model (FCIM).