Issue: January 20, 2025 - January 24, 2025
Dear RAMS Family,
Please be advised that there will be no school on Monday, January 20th, in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. We encourage everyone to reflect on the profound impact of Dr. King's legacy.
Elementary parents, make sure you buy your ticket to the Sneaker Ball!
RAMS has many exciting events coming soon, and we need parent volunteers to help support. The PTSO website is updated with all the links to the sign up. Please click here to sign up for volunteering opportunities. We appreciate your support!
Yearbooks are still available for purchase!
Upcoming Events:
- 1/29 3rd Grade Field Trip to Busch Gardens
- 1/29 High School College Tours to UCF and Rollins
- 1/24 at 7pm RAMS Idol (6th - 11th graders)
- 1/25 RAHS Homecoming Dance
- 2/1 Elementary Students Sneaker Ball February 1st
- 2/3 - 2/7 Winter Book Fair
- 2/6 Conference Night
- 2/7 Middle School Valentine's Dance
- 2/11 Bone Valley and Washington DC Parent Information Meetings
Thank you for all of your support,
RAMS Admin Team
Student IDs and Dress Code
As we strive to maintain a positive and focused learning environment, all students must adhere to our dress code and ID badge guidelines. This ensures safety and fosters a sense of community and respect among students.
At this point, every student should have an ID card and, to our knowledge, iUniforms does not have any items on backorder. We will be checking to ensure that students have their IDs on a lanyard and around their neck. We will also be monitoring that all our students are in dress code. You can find more information regarding our policy on dress code by following this link- Student Policies and Procedure.
We appreciate your support in maintaining these standards. Ensuring that students follow the dress code and wear their ID badges properly can create a safe and conducive learning environment for everyone.
Elementary and Middle School Athletics
High School Athletics
- Students must be seated in their classroom by 8:30am. Please ensure your student arrives to school on time and is in uniform.
- Afternoon carline for 3:00pm dismissal ends at 3:15pm.
- Afternoon carline for 3:30pm dismissal ends at 4:00pm.
- Parents must arrive on campus to pick up students through carline before 4:00pm. Any student not picked up by 4:00pm will be entered in "Emergency Aftercare" for a fee. *Note: Aftercare does not begin dismissal until 4:30pm.
Are You Getting Our Text?
Carline 101
First Carline 3:00 Pick Up
If you arrive before 3:10pm, please follow this map and the person directing traffic. Please note, nothing has changed. This is to help clarify the confusion with parents ending up in the wrong lane.
Second Carline 3:30 Pick Up
Please follow the person directing traffic. Please note, nothing has changed. This is to help clarify the confusion with parents ending up in the wrong lane.
School Calendar