Dual Enrollment

Please contact Riverview Academy CAP Advisor, Ms. Grass with questions kgrass@charterk12.com

Dual Enrollment Forms

  • Who qualifies for Dual Enrollment?

o   Students with a 3.0 GPA unweighted

o   Meets required test scores from the PERT, ACT or SAT exam (cannot be more than 2 years old)

PERT: 106 Reading, 103 Writing, 123 Math

SAT: 440 Critical Reading/Verbal, 440 Math

ACT: 17 English, 19 Reading, 21 Math

o   Students that receive a “C” in a dual enrollment course can be denied further course registration. This is to protect the student from starting off their college career with a low GPA.

o   Students that are struggling with traditional high school courses can be denied further course registration. This is to ensure the focus on graduating high school takes priority over attending a college course.

  • How many Dual Enrollment courses can a student take?
    • 9th/10th grade students can take up to 3 credits (one course) a semester
    • Next year, 11th grade students may take up to 9 credits (three courses) a semester
  • Courses must be needed for the AA degree
  • Steps to Enroll:
    • Meet the eligibility requirements stated above
    • Complete the Dual Enrollment application on the HCC website
    • Meet with an HCC advisor to get a referral for PERT exam if you have not taken the SAT or ACT
    • Submit paperwork on the HCC portal
    • Once approved, the student can register for courses with the CAP advisor
    • It is required to meet with the CAP advisor to register each semester

It is the student’s responsibility to meet the deadlines to register and complete needed steps for enrollment at HCC

Dual Enrollment and Early Admissions | HCC (hccfl.edu)

Please contact Riverview Academy CAP Advisor, Ms. Grass with questions kgrass@charterk12.com